I grow vegetables from seeds and am amazed at the secret power of seeds that they grow well from small seeds to vegetables. Let’s magnify such a seed and see how it cannot be seen visually.
I also took a picture of the germination of the seeds. It is interesting to sow seeds by imagining how they will grow.
Cucumber seed
Magnified in on the cucumber seed, we can see a smooth surface and a dent on the tip. It’s almost like a papaya seed.

Tomato seed
The tomato seed have surface covered fine hair on the surface and nucleus-like appearance in the center.

Okra seed
This magnified photo of okra seed, which looks like a chick, but is covered with a hard shell regardless of its fluffy appearance.

Perilla seed
This seed is perilla that is an herb in Asia and has a refreshing flavor and goes well with sashimi.
The seed is about 1 mm in size, and black particles smaller than sesame when viewed with the naked eye, but we can see a striped pattern when enlarged.

Pea seed
This is a pea seed about 8mm in size. There are large irregularities on the surface. It is dyed red because it has been treated with thiuram benomyl agent. This is a process to prevent you from accidentally eating it.

Green soybean seed
This is a green soybean ,so called edamame, seed. Edamame is a pre-mature soybean that can be boiled and eaten and my favorite vegetables. The size of the seed is about 10 mm and it is round and smooth.

Edamame grows into a large oval shape when it germinates into a figure-8 shape.

Is it just me that the seeds are interesting? I will observe more new seeds photo again.